Our Reverse Community Assessments service covers London and the Home Counties

Based in Inner London
Coral is based in Inner London and brings its wealth of experience to London and the Home Counties, including wider boroughs and Local Authorities in the South and South East.
Covering the Home Counties
The service stretches to Hertfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Surrey, Kent and Essex as is managed by our practice in London
Lewisham is our home
We deliver our service across Greater London encompassing boroughs that are either in Central London, Inner London or Greater London.
Delivering our service across the London Boroughs
There are 32 boroughs in London and Coral works across the boroughs delivering its services in order to support the
care system for families where in-the-home assessments are better suited.
Leveraging the benefits of Londons heritage
Being based in Inner London, we have very good access and connections within the city not limited to the vast transportation network and we are able to draw on direct knowledge and the wealth of case studies that come from the city with its diverse multicultural nature that is often evident within modern family settings, making our agency stand head above shoulders in its unique experience.